Since about October of this past year- I have been eating vegetarian diet through the week and only having meat occasionally on weekends. This has been such a wonderful change for my body that I figured I would share some of the things I am eating so everyone can try these easy vegetarian ideas! Keep in mind eliminating meat means getting protein from sources like beans and nuts. Some of my favorite proteins are hummus, walnuts, almonds, soy, and garbanzo beans.
My best advice for making the switch is to focus on little steps. Sometimes I still have to put a little cheese on top or add something more flavorful but when paired with smaller portions, eating vegetarian is a sure way to improve health and energy levels!
The first meal is a rice with veggies I make with brown rice, vegetable broth (instead of water in the rice- sub in some water if you need more than 1 box), chopped garlic, carrots, broccoli, green beans, chick peas (or garbanzo beans). Split the mix into portions for meals in Tupperware to make easy ready made meals.

The second meal is a pizza I made on a flour tortilla! Just spread the pizza sauce, spinach, and cheese on top. Its the perfect portion for lunch or light dinner with 5 min cook time. Its also easy to continue improving with whole wheat tortillas, organic tomato sauces and cheese made from soy! Pile on the veggies or do like I do and hide them under the cheese!