Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Roadtrip has begun...

Hey everyone! I bet you guys were beginning to think that "Jenna's Never Ending Roadtrip" was actually the "Never happening road trip"- but you would be wrong- I have just been a bit busy with the whole process of moving across the country!

Turns out I get 3 weeks to drive to Cali so I am taking my sweet time with the journey. My drive was pretty uneventful- Brody (my cat) thoroughly enjoyed the entire process of being sedated and thrown into a car for 13hours but she only screamed out the window about 2 hours off and on:)

My first stop Clarksville, TN (near Nashville, TN) to stay with Sam for the week. (The pictures are actually us in Baltimore but so far we haven't done much that we've taken pictures of!)

My first assignment is in San Diego,CA working with a private pediatric clinic and supposedly visiting the local schools to do some PT with the kids there. I have an apartment set up in Rancho Bernardo- which I have gotten word that the area used to be a cattle ranch but is now a golf course. The pictures online are beautiful and I am pretty excited but first- back to the drive!

My next stop is not so far away to Memphis where I can visit with the King for a few hours but then I am off to Texas and Arizona for visits with friends!

More updates to come:)


The Custers said...

So instead of "Sleepless in Seattle" is this "Sleepless in Baltimore"? Sam is quite a hottie...good work Jenna! So, when are you going to be here? Brian and I are really excited for your visit...we miss our friends!

Sam Chick said...

Yeah, good work Jenna!