Monday, April 20, 2009

Earth Day and Acroyoga

I have taken a few Acroyoga classes and I really enjoy the unique group of people and skill sets I encounter there. When I found out about their Earth Day plans to build large "Peace Pyramids" I wanted to make sure I was at least there to see it. I ended up being a part of a 4 high pyramid including about 20 people! The Earth Fair was probaly one of the most Un-Earth-Friendly events I've seen but atleast the Acroyogi's hearts were in the right place. The Peace Pyramids take a great deal of trust, cooperation, patients, inner strength and thought. Promise- we left no physical trace on our environment either! Just impressions on the participants and the observers. Happy Earth Day!

The pictures- I finally got to see someone play the Spreckels Pipe Organ while at Earth Day- soooo cool.

A group of people spinning hoops and staff near a huge drum circle.

Folded Leaf pose after our pyramid bulding adventure (no pictures of the pyramid yet but if I find one- I will post it!)

Mara- my acroyoga instructor showing her stuff! I keep trying to tell her she has to come try it on the back of the horse next! Can you believe even she thinks I'm crazy!


Dani Sista said...
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Dani Sista said...
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Dani Sista said...

4/20. Today is the national pot smoking day